Delivery of Entrepreneurship Projects in Nance de Riscó: A Step Towards Sustainable Development

April 22, 2024

Last April, the Bajo Gavilán community in the Nance de Riscó district hosted a significant event focused on the delivery of entrepreneurship projects that aim to transform the economic and social landscape of the region. The event was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES), the AES Panama Foundation, local entrepreneurs, leaders from the “Alliance for the Development of the Nance de Riscó and Valle de Riscó District” Foundation, AES collaborators in Changuinola, and community members, who came together to celebrate the beginning of a new phase of growth and opportunity

During the event, the AES Panama Foundation formalized its support and provision of supplies to strengthen several projects in Nance de Riscó. These initiatives include five livestock projects focused on improving the productivity and sustainability of local livestock activities, and four commercial sales projects, which provide entrepreneurs with the resources and knowledge needed to develop their businesses and generate sustainable income

Bajo Gavilan

These initiatives are part of the Cooperation Agreement between MIDES and AES Changuinola, S.R.L., a strategic partnership designed to drive economic and social development in Nance de Riscó. Through this agreement, the aim is to strengthen local entrepreneurship, generate employment, and improve the quality of life of families by promoting self-management and community resilience.

The event not only marked an important milestone on the path towards sustainable development but also highlighted the positive impact of public-private cooperation in building a more prosperous future for Nance de Riscó. The delivery of these projects is a clear example of how strategic alliances can transform communities and create real opportunities for their residents.